The Book of Life
Candice Bithell Candice Bithell

The Book of Life

Every January 1st, I open my Bible and begin again. From Genesis 1 to Revelations 22, “In the beginning,” to “Surely, I come quickly.” It’s a tradition that has begun to shape my life. When I open the Bible, I find stories about people who are searching for meaning and purpose. And people are messy.

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The Promises of Jesus Part II

The Promises of Jesus Part II

But studying His promises had led to me a discovery. He promises us forgiveness the very most, but the second most common promise of the Savior in the scriptures is COMPANIONSHIP. To be with us here and now, not in some distant future after death and not long ago in the past.

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Life Changing Scriptures

Life Changing Scriptures

D&C 89 and how it changed my life. I discovered that I was not living the word of wisdom at all and that God cared about my health and my well-being. He cared about what I ate and how I felt. I prayed about what to do, what to eat

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The Promises of Jesus

The Promises of Jesus

For the past few months, I have been searching. Searching for the promises of Jesus. I think I’m about 30% of the way through and I now have 29 categories. Twenty-nine. That’s a lot of promises. I want you to consider for just a moment, what your life would be like, if you lived like the promises that Jesus makes are not only absolutely 100% true, but they were written about you…

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Eat the frog

Eat the frog

There’s a famous quote by Mark Twain that I use all of the time: “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.” With that philosophy in mind, as I started reading all of the Standard Works this year, I started with the Old Testament. What I have been discovering is amazing- the Old Testament is loaded with stories that are making a difference in my life and have real meaning…

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