The Lost Coin

The Lost Coin

The speaker in church was talking about being lost and he said something that has never left me, when talking about the parable of the Lost Coin. “It was not the coins fault that it was lost. It just was.” Sometimes people are like that- it’s not their fault, they are just lost…

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Celebrating Holy Week

Celebrating Holy Week

If you have ever wondered if God loves you, then your answer will be found during Holy Week in a garden, on a hilltop nailed to a cross, and then reconfirmed as you travel with Mary Magdalene to the empty tomb of Jesus Christ on Resurrection Sunday. You will discover that Jesus Christ was indeed who He said He was.

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The Promises of Jesus

The Promises of Jesus

For the past few months, I have been searching. Searching for the promises of Jesus. I think I’m about 30% of the way through and I now have 29 categories. Twenty-nine. That’s a lot of promises. I want you to consider for just a moment, what your life would be like, if you lived like the promises that Jesus makes are not only absolutely 100% true, but they were written about you…

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The ultimate trade

The ultimate trade

There is a beautiful play on the words and sounds here in Hebrew at the end of Isaiah that we miss out on in English. The phrase, “give unto them beauty for ashes” in Hebrew is “peer” for “epher.” It means an ornamental headdress or a garland you put on your head (beauty), for ashes.

He will trade me beauty for ashes, but I have to have faith in him to make the trade. I have to be willing to come to him with my regrets, my broken heart, my sorrow, and he promises to trade that for strength and beauty. It takes time, and sometimes it takes many years for the trade to be complete, but the trade does happen if we trust in him to make it…

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