Parenting Candice Bithell Parenting Candice Bithell


Mothering is like this and more than this. It reminds me of wayfinding. It’s much more than a map and terrain, it’s also a compass and stars and directional pull. I told my oldest daughter who recently got married that being a mother is great. And terrible. Wonderful. And absolutely awful. It’s jaunts through beautiful forests with the sun coming through the trees.

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Teach Them to Fly
Parenting, Becoming, Charity Candice Bithell Parenting, Becoming, Charity Candice Bithell

Teach Them to Fly

You will teach them to fly, but they will not fly your flight. You will teach them to dream, but they will not dream your dream. You will teach them to live, but they will not live your life. Nevertheless, in every flight, in every life, in every dream, the print of the way you taught will always remain.

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